The first event has an attribute effect, which indicates that it's a sound and not to be rendered with the TTS engine. 第一个事件具有属性effect,这表示它是一种声音,不用TTS引擎呈现。
An event can be a published event or a receiving event, which is indicated by the published or handled attribute in its definition. 事件可以是已发布事件或接收中的事件,这些事件通过其定义中的已公布或已处理的属性来表示。
Notice that the event handler receives the element name, namespace and attribute lists as parameters from the parser. 请注意,事件处理器接收元素名称、名称空间和属性列表作为来自语法分析器的参数。
Notice the added script element within window, and the added attribute on the "Go!" button& oncommand=" change_url ( event)". 注意window内新增的script元素,以及对“Go!”按钮添加的属性&oncommand=“changeurl(event)”。
The event name is hard-coded into the language ( XHTML in this case); to add a new event, you need to add a new attribute. 事件名称是硬编码到语言中的(这里是XHTML);增加新的事件必须增加新属性。
The event attribute specifies which event the tag should listen for. event属性指定标记应该侦听哪个事件。
For example, if an event contains an xsi: type attribute identifying its payload, and different kinds of events have different types, testing this attribute may be all that's needed. 如果所订阅的事件包含了确定其有效负载的xsi:type属性,并且不同的事件实例具有不同的类型,则所需做的工作就是测试此属性。
An event contains event type, event ID, item information, and attribute data. 一个事件包含事件类型、事件ID、项目信息和属性数据。
It can be made to start based on an event such as onClick by setting the animator tag's start attribute to false and calling the doStart method on the animator object. 另外,还可以使动画根据某个事件,例如onClick来开始,方法是将animator标记的start属性设为false,然后调用animator对象的doStart方法。
Another approach is to write a method nested in the tag declaration of an object and assign the event handler to the event attribute of that method. 另一种方法是编写一个方法,将该方法嵌入在对象的标记声明中,并将事件处理程序赋给那个方法的event属性。
The onclick attribute submits the value of the checkbox,# { creditBean. creditCardValidate}, a boolean, as soon as the event is fired because of the true value for the immediate attribute. 只要激活事件(immediate属性值为true),onclick属性就会提交复选框{creditBean.creditCardValidate}的值(布尔值)。
The event data includes attribute values such as LoanNumber, LoanAmount, and Notification. 这个事件数据包括了诸如贷款号、贷款数额和通知等属性。
You then set attributes to declare property arguments and event bindings on server control instances. 然后可以通过设置属性(attribute)来声明服务器控件实例上的属性(property)参数和事件绑定。
Specify the event binding in the opening tag of the server control with an attribute and value. 只要用属性和值在服务器控件的开始标记中指定事件绑定即可。
It is proved that a probability is a relation between an event and an observer instead of an attribute of an event. 本文证明:概率不是“事件”的一种属性,而是事件与观察者之间的一种关系。
The communication between control and the kernel of industrial control software is realized through control event, method and attribute. 通过控件的事件,方法和属性以实现控件与工控软件内核的沟通。
Based-on ER graph instance, event monitor which applies rules in rule database deducts the object/ relation type and produces deductive object/ relation attribute type. 在ER图实例的基础上,用事件监视器应用规则库中的规则对对象/关系类进行演绎,产生演绎对象/关系属性类型。
Characteristics and technical terms of seismic attribute technique were introduced. And the extracting methods of both event and data volume attribute were explained. 介绍了地震属性技术的特点和专业术语,阐述了同相轴属性和数据体属性参数的提取方法。
Based on it the research object in colony is called by a joint name "event", get mathematical expression of event attribute in colony and mathematical model for event relationship based on attribute; 本文以此为基础并将群体中的研究对象统称为事物,给出了群体中事物属性的数学表达及基于属性的事物关系的数学表达模型;
PEM ( Popularity-based Event Matching) uses the attribute set to distribute the load and uses the popularity information of attributes to control the bandwidth cost. 基于属性流行度的事件匹配方法PEM(Popularity-basedEventMatching)使用属性集合来分布负载,并利用属性流行度信息来控制带宽开销。
Either success event or failure event, the girls were more inclined to attribute the result to themselves than boys. 无论是成功事件还是失败事件,女生比男生更倾向于做内归因。